A review by shilo1364
Monsters in the Territory (Animal Guild, #2) by Jennifer Sowle


I loved this book and couldn't put it down!

This book continues the story of the main characters from Animal Guild, but 2 years have passed since we last saw them. The story is engaging and fun, the characters are quirky (in a good way) with complex personalities and interactions. The suspense is suspenseful, and the cliffhanger ending is abrupt and tense. Definitely makes you want (no need) to read the next one! Some of my favorite characters from Animal Guild are back, with new scars, new friendships, and new rivalries. Renard and Corto have moved up in the command hierarchy, and have developed a mysterious feud (while still worrying about each other). Some sweet and lovable characters are introduced: Hercules pretty much defines adorable, and Fist is a perfect mix of innocent and worldly. Corto is brusque and prickly, Renard is world-weary and still far too trusting. Munk is his jolly self, Rethus is warm and loyal. Jarrod is aloof and casually cruel. There are so many more characters to come to know and love, I can't possibly list them all. What has happened to the missing guild? What are those monsters at the edge of guild territory? Will Renard and Corto ever be friends again? Read it to find out - you won't regret it!