A review by emmanovella
Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire


Did I skim read this in order to finish it in 2018. Yup. Do I wish I'd started it earlier and just taken my time.. YUP.

I truly enjoy Maguire's writing. I don't know what it is about it but I just get sucked in. Yes, it can be confusing and complex. Yes, it often feels like characters are on endless ambles around Oz with barely any action... but something about that just appeals to me. Maybe it's because it's Oz, I don't know. I'll find out when I pick up one of his non-oz works.

I really enjoyed reading the Wicked Years books and I felt they all added to the original Wicked story without feeling like they were trying to cling to something that was dead and gone. I think any more than the four books we have would have been too much, mind you. But I love the way this book wraps up all the previous ones. It made it feel like a series again, having characters from previous books and events etc referenced or appear.

Maybe it's because I don't read High Fantasy (or any fantasy, really) that I enjoy this as it seems to be the well read fantasy lovers that dislike this, or maybe I'm just bias and just really wanted to like this since Maguire is the reason the (albeit very adapted) musical exists but it is what it is.