A review by lonestarwords
Horse Girls: Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Riders Redefine the Iconic Bond by Halimah Marcus


I tell my friends with children that it's good for a girl to grow up around horses; I think it's true. It teaches you about power--how to wield it responsibly, when you must let go. It teaches you self-possession and the ability to stay calm when you're afraid. It makes you strong...
Horse Girls
Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Riders Redefine the Iconic Bond
Halimah Marcus/C.Morgan Babst

Horses are a huge part of my family's life and Horse Girls was a perfect little book because it combines two of my greatest loves. It is is a compilation of essays from some big names in the literary world (Jane Smiley, Carmen Maria Machado, and Maggie Shipstead to name just a few) that aims to debunk some of the glamorous and stereotypical images of women and horses and replace them with real life experiences from horse women. Not women who ride competitively for a living, but women for whom horses have either filled a void, calmed a fear or healed a wound. Those of us who have been blessed to have horses be a part of our lives know that these animals have a power to do all of these and more and these essays bring those powers to life.

I am often asked how our daughters turned out so hard working and resilient and my husband and I always have a one word answer: HORSES.

This book is the perfect gift for the "horse girl" in your life. It will help you understand her devotion to these magnificent creatures and give you a unique perspective on a very special and hard to describe bond, one I feel the pull of every day.

"If we could entrust this planet to only one kind, I'd stake my life on the horses.
May they inherit the earth."
Last quote, but there are many.