A review by pause_theframe
The Hustle by Elizabeth Roderick


This is my first book by Elizabeth Roderick, but I now know it will not stand a chance at being my last. This book sounded dark and emotional just from the blurb, which is why I was completely drawn in. I wanted to know what it was like for someone struggling in so many ways, without anyone to turn to. I needed to know where the author took us.

The main character was brilliant. She completely made the raw, gritty nature of this book, with the descriptions and perspectives she gave us, of what was befalling her. She had a way with seeing the world for its true darkness, in her way of the world, and still maintaining a glimmer of hope that things could get better.

This book, whilst it could seem over the top, is very realistic as to what someone who has been dealt a bad hand from birth might deal with. It doesn't sugar coat the darkness or evil, it just gives it to you as is and let's you find a way to fathom what it must be like. I loved this, as it made the book feel as though it was real time. I got the sense of what it was like to try and make decisions and move forward after each incident and every day.

Overall, this was a brilliant read. I was highly impressed and look forward to seeing a lot more of this author.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.