A review by eososray
Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women by Christina Hoff Sommers


My overwhelming take of this book was that is was extremely dated. Can't say as I knew anything about what the feminist movement was doing in the early 90's and I certainly don't know much about it now.
Somehow this book comes across as sounding the alarm for something that didn't manifest. Or maybe that she is so immersed in this academic feminist movement that she doesn't realize that the rest of us didn't/don't care.

All that said, I did actually like the book. I agree that some of the feminist movement spends way too much time judging women for not agreeing. On children, motherhood, careers, prostitution, porn, marriage, etc. And then spends even more time blaming the patriarchy for the independent choices that women make for their lives because, they must have been brainwashed if they would do something so demeaning.
I do think that those immersed in the women's studies are likely out of touch and possibly there is a bit of brainwashing going on but is that really unusual? College and University are a time to find your voice and test out what you really think, it has always been full of teachers that thought out of the box.

It was interesting to read, made me think, offered some alternate ideas and helped me coalesce some thoughts I had floating around.