A review by artytytyty
The Tragedy of King Richard II by William Shakespeare

challenging dark emotional tense slow-paced


Yet I well remember 
The favours of these men: were they not mine? 
Did they not sometime cry, 'all hail!' to me? 
So Judas did to Christ: but he, in twelve, 
Found truth in all but one: I, in twelve thousand, none. 
God save the king! Will no man say amen? 
Am I both priest and clerk? well then, amen. 
God save the king! although I be not he; 
And yet, amen, if heaven do think him me.

This was a slow read for a design job I have, but it has some of the best verse and monologues that I've read in Shakespeare. This is the first history play I've read from him, so it definitely took me a while to get into the groove of its rhythm but the language is so rich and brilliant, I truly enjoyed many parts of it.