A review by yodamom
Feversong by Karen Marie Moning


I can breath again, I was holding my breath for those last few chapters. The final days with these beloved characters was intense and very satisfying. I rolled through the whole emotional scale on this last ride, happy, sad, nervous, ugly crying, fear, stressed, doubt, anger and joy. I also suffered from insomnia, this book invaded my dreams, waking me several times a night with a flash on energy as my mind mulled over the last few pages. The book ended in a wonderful way fitting for these fabulous characters.
I am very happy that I found this author and series, both are in my top 5. Barrons my fictional book boyfriend, will forever be etched into my being, he was an incredible character. He might be my favorite but I loved them all, over the years even in the difficult stages.
Thank you KMM for all your genius and time.