A review by heabooknerd
Fighting the Fire by Laura Kaye


I’ve been waiting patiently (for the most part) for a new Laura Kaye book and my wait finally paid off with this emotional romance! FIGHTING THE FIRE was sexy, beautifully written, and had Kaye’s perfect brand of humor. I’ve always loved Laura Kaye’s characters and how she develops them and it was great to be reading her books again. Sean was especially a great hero; he’s really funny but also this wonderful mix of cocky and vulnerable. His abusive father has left him with some messed up ideas of his worth but he usually plays it off with humor and deflects anyone from realizing what he really thinks. As Dani spends more time with Sean she realizes what he’s doing and I adored the moments where she built Sean up and showed him that he was worth love and care.

I loved Dani as much as I loved Sean; she’s this kickass ex-military nurse and she doesn’t take crap from anyone. She’s tough and not afraid to speak her mind in addition to being a loyal friend. Sean and Dani were perfect for each other! Overall, this was a really enjoyable read and a great addition to the WARRIOR FIGHT CLUB series and I hope we’ll get more soon.

Content Warning: Dani lost her husband in the military and partly blames herself for not being there to help him as a combat nurse; on page grief; Sean’s father was abusive and really affected his self worth; on page motorcycle accident with minor injuries

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Favorite Quotes:

She could handle hot Sean Riddick being an asshole, but not hot Sean Riddick being a good guy. The hot good guy was a whole helluva lot harder to resist.

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The broad shoulders. The way his ink-covered back muscles flexed. The taut roundness of his ass. And oh, man, that ass. Dead. She was dead.