A review by lostinagoodread
Little White Lies by Katie Dale


This review and others can be found on Cozy Up With A Good Read

What happened in this book was not something I expected at all, I wasn't thinking that I was going into such a dark book, but it definitely takes that turn. The book opens up with no background story, readers are just thrown into Lou's life as she is looking to meet this cute guy she ran into at school, and from there the story moves forward as Lou life and background slowly unravel for readers.

This book is truly hard to describe because so much happens that I don't want to give away any pieces, but to say that this book surprised me in a good way is definitely an understatement. It took me some time to get into the book, but I found myself immersed in Lou's life and figuring out what happened to get her to where she is. There are a lot of secrets hiding in this book, and as they slowly unravel you wonder how anyone could become like this.

Everything about this book is one big secret after another, Dale brings up the question over and over again, can we really trust anyone in our lives? I think that the tagline for this book is absolutely perfect, who can you trust when you are living a lie yourself? This book is one that will be quick to get through because you will want to keep going to find out what both Lou and Christian are hiding from one another and why these two had the chance encounter bringing them together.

Lou seems to have lost a lot in her life, and she is looking for some stability and to get away where no one knows what she has gone through. Christian has the same thing, he has a dark past to hide and no matter what Lou intends to find out what he is hiding. As events unraveled I couldn't tell who to trust and who I wanted to come out in the end.

All I can say is if you like a book with a lot of scheming behind it, and where you are continually guessing about what is going on around you, then this is a book that you should check out. This is a great suspense-filled book for teens.