A review by snchard
A World Without You by Beth Revis


I didn't remember reading the blurb for this book, and so for the first half of the book, I thought I was reading paranormal fiction. At about 66%, the story becomes completely enthralling, and the unreliable narration completely freaked out my perception. I didn't much care for Phoebe's chapters, but I can kind of see where the author intended her to ground the audience in reality. Since I wasn't sure what genre I was in, and this is the 5th mental disorder book in a row for me, I think it played with my mind more than it might have otherwise. I enjoyed the writing for the most part. It got a bit repetitive with the strings, but I think that was partially to really characterize Bo's obsession with the time stream. The premise was excellent, and it succeeded in giving me more anxiety than usual, which I'm sure I'll get over eventually.