A review by ellelainey
My Boyfriend's Back by Elliot Cooper


Book – My Boyfriend's Back
Author – Elliot Cooper
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 126

Cover – Love it!
POV – 3rd person, 1 character POV
Would I read it again – Yes!

Genre – LGBT, Paranormal, Zombie, Romance, Friendship

Reviewed for Divine Magazine

*Warnings: (given by author): Suitable for mature readers. Depictions of blood, gore, and cannibalism.*

Wow! So, I'll fully admit that I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to zombie/gore stuff. But, as soon as I read the blurb and saw the cover, I knew I had to read this one. And, thankfully, the gore/cannibalism stuff wasn't nearly as bad as some books I've read. It was all in perfect proportion to the story.

The main characters – Steven and Dax – were adorable right from the start. Their relationship was sweet, comfortable but also a little too comfortable and there were small signs that they took each other for granted.

Then everything changed when Dax died. I don't feel like that's a spoiler, because it's mentioned in the blurb, so I'm gladly going to say it again – Dax died! And I'll admit that I was afraid that would be the end of Dax. He's go on a murderous rampage, become some unrecognizable monster and he'd have to be destroyed or sent away.

Without giving too much away, I want to say that I loved the emotional progression of Steven and Dax's relationship, the very real ups and downs (even though it involves zombies) and the very real implications of creating a mindless zombie, who slowly begins to show signs of the person he was before.

The ending, in particular, was a stroke of genius and so cleverly revealed. It wasn't one of those unrealistic B movie films, where everything is all shiny and bright, but it wasn't all doom and gloom either. It had the perfect blend of compassion, love, romance, and the reality of zombies and witches/mages existing within the world.


Overall, for me, this is a story of warning. A “be careful what you wish for” combined with the very sad, but real aspect of “you don't know what you have until it's gone”. Both those things, with the creative genius of the author, the skill of writing and plot forming, the pace and craft of the story, as well as the emotive way it drew me in, made this an instant winner.

Elliot Cooper will be a must read from me, from now on.