A review by lifeand100books
An Arranged Marriage by Jo Beverley


I'm not sure how I feel about this book. Everything about Eleanor's rape, Kit's role in it, and Nicholas's affair/ feelings have left me just.....unsure about this story.

You never get a sense of who Nicholas really is. From the minute we meet him he's playing a role. I never felt like he stopped playing a role. When did he fall in love with Eleanor? Was it because he was jealous at the way his friends could be with her?

Why was Kit not more forthcoming to Eleanor about his role in her rape? Yes he was drugged, but why try to foist it off that his brother had done it. He never apologized for his actions and that honestly pissed me off. He takes no responsibility for anything.

And Eleanor....poor Eleanor. What a horrible series of circumstances she is dealt. I really wanted her to make Nicholas grovel more. He treated her so poorly. She deserved better.