A review by pardonmywritings
The Things I Would Tell You: British Muslim Women Write by Sabrina Mahfouz


Reading The Things I Would Tell You was like coming home and knowing that you're safe. That you're understood. Finally. A collection of stories, plays, poetry and commentaries, British women of colour lay their voice on the frustrating and tiresome image of the 'Muslim woman'. From Islamic Tinder to a grandmother who was a former prostitute, I loved that the book included literary heavy weights like Leila Aboulela as well as first time published Nafeesa Hamid and a 14 year old student from a local school near me.
Some of my highlights:
- Kamila Shamsie's 'The Girl Next Door' on talk show maulanas forcing a caller to divorce his wife.
- Shaista Aziz's 'Blood and Broken Bodies' is a cry for help for Pakistani brothers and dads to look at themselves and not God when they honour kill.
- Azra Tabassum 'Brown Girl and other poems' is everything I wanted to hear growing up.