A review by greg_m
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis


"When things go wrong, you'll find they usually go on getting worse for sometime; but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better."

"By gum...don't I just wish I was big enough to punch your head!"

Lewis's world is quite remarkable; much more so than I remember it being when I first read this back in elementary school. It has a lot of my favorite bits of middle/high fantasy, with maps and new lands to disover and a concentrated evil for the story to revolve around, but in little bite-sized chunks to make it easier on the young folk.

I appreciated how often called Lewis referred back to earlier events to help the younger readers along, and he excelled at injecting a bit of humor here and there to break up the solemnity of the main story. The only complaint I have about the content of the story itself is the not-so-subtle undertones of religiosity that come from the Lion-God Aslan.

I am looking for some books to show to my nephew, who loves to read, and I think this series might be a hit in a couple of years.