A review by denizyildiz
My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill


3.5 Stars

DAMN. I really really need that halfstar today! Because this is firmly between good and great.
Now I don't know if I should round up or down...
Aaany WAY.

My Unscripted Life is a perfect example for what I like to call a cute & fluffy. Well written novel with a cute romance, preferably some swooning and a hottie, but mostly very entertaining light hearted reading. Basically just get on and enjoy the ride. Don't think too much. It's kinda like a booky happy place.
I got all that from MUL. So totally what I expected.

It's well written. It's by Morrill, I didn't expect anything else to be honest. There are some beautiful description of Georgia. Interesting and accurate descriptions of film sets. There is some fun humor and cute banter. It made me smile and even laugh. Some awesome scenes to be sure.

I love Dee. She is the archetypical teen girl. You know like all of us. A tad melodramatic ( way too much at times), kinda obsessive, unsure and yet thinks she knows everything only to discover she doesn't. Sometimes insecure, opinionated and generally unique.
Morrill created a fascinating, likeable character. Her struggles and insecurities are relatable. She is interesting and fun. As I said I simply loved her.
The support cast was interesting- but at times fell a bit short. I mean we don't really get to know any of them very well. Though there are many sweet moments, where Dee connects with them and we get a glimpse of them. This is mostly a Dee-train, I guess since it is written from her POV it is kind inevitable but I kinda wanted more about the other characters, especially Milo.
He is cute, he is a hottie I grant you that. But what do I actually know about him? Uhm, frankly not much more than what Dee got off google.

Which is where the story line - while super cute and with a swoony ending- falls short as well. I didn't get where he was coming from. And the changes at the end? I was a bit well, flabbergasted. I mean hello? teenager?! And then I was left with the question of what he will do when she follows her plan?
The big romance, it kinda happened over two dates. And I was left wishing there was more. Because like this it feels too surreal and impossible.
But saying that, I also should mention I only realised that when I sat down to write a review. Basically, totally cute & fluffy. Read, enjoy - swoon- but DON'T think.
There is a side theme however, which is her plans for the future. I absolutely love those parts of the story. Very inspiring!

Fun, cute, enjoyable and well written, even if there are a few questions I was left with, great cute & fluffy.