A review by lisamchuk
Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett


Well, the author has taken the bounds of the magic of this world beyond what the readers (or at least me) could perhaps imagine. Or understand (or at least me - I didn’t really understand how this all worked). This was all action, and at times felt a bit too deus ex machina-esque. I still wasn’t on board with what happened at the end of the second book, and I mostly was perplexed by what was going on through most of this third book, so only the character relationships were what got me through this - and fortunately the last 3 minutes of reading brought it together in a satisfying way for an extra star.

This trilogy reminds me of Mistborn era 1: the world is horrible and hopeless for most of a long trilogy but then, just at the very end in a completely bizarre way, relief comes and hope remains. But, ultimately, I didn’t completely enjoy the experience of either.