A review by hastings91
Enter Title Here by Naomi Kanakia


More like a 4.65/5
Definitely one of the best contemporaries I've read (which doesn't say a lot since I generally am not that into the genre). Also this will be a horrible review since I read this months ago so be warned.

-The main character Reshma! I loved how even though she was pitched as the stereotypical studious indian girl she was so much more fleshed out then that. Also she's an anti heroine, which I feel like is a trope we rarely explore with WoC (The Young Elites by Marie Lu being the obvious wonderful exception). She definitely won't be everyones preferred type of protagonist, and honestly if you need a "likable" main character to enjoy a book I suggest you just not pick this up. I personally adore morally gray ladies and Reshma has got to be one of my favorites.
-The way the book handled racism, particularly white feminism, was just a pleasure to read about. I'm not going to go into detail because I feel the novel handles that more effectively than I ever could!
-The humor! The book is mostly set up to be a comedy despite handling some more serious topics. I read this during finals week and that element gave it an escapism factor that was honestly much needed.

Why it isn't a full 5 star read
-The love triangle was so unnecessary. I'm not even opposed to the trope but it added little to the story (even though I did like the character she ended up with).
-I felt like some of Reshma's character development was rushed within the last 100 pages or so. I liked the ways she grew (and also didn't grow in some cases). But the delivery could have been a lot better. Still that had very little impact on my liking of the book!