A review by eyreguide
Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav


I was captured by this book because of how elegantly simple and economical with words Lang Leav’s poetry is. The poems touch on moments and emotions so beautifully and for some there was a strong emotional impact for me. Her poems were so resonant with me, and I felt very moved by this collection.

The book moves from the feeling of looking for someone, and losing someone, to finding love and happiness, and it’s wonderful to read each piece and take in the experience it’s trying to convey. I feel like this is a book that I will come back to many times over and be stirred by new things at different times in my life.

The illustrations by the author are quirky and cute, and while they didn’t add too much to the feel of the poems for me, it was wonderful to see how talented the author is and how this book felt so much like a true piece of art.