A review by katetj
Jealousy by Lili St Crow


Okay their will be a few spoilers in this review.. because I would like to vent my frustration out in words.

Why did I give Jealousy 4 stars?

Well although I thought it was pretty awesome, like the others that's just what it was 'like the others' although to be fair I thought that it was a trilogy so this would be the ending... but as soon as i started reading I had a sinking suspicion that I was wrong.

Anyway, it had a lot of the same elements as the others, confusion, just got comfortable and BAM!! all shit broke loose... it actually wasn't that bad but Im just saying that although we find out little tidbits here and there we dont get full answers.

Another thing that annoyed me was I was sure she would finally 'Bloom' in this book, but noo she is very very close but still not quite there yet... if she doesnt bloom in the next book I'm going to get cranky!

Okay and now down to the real reason for the deducted star.. the main problem with my being pissed yet in love with these books..... the boys!
WTF.... Christophe okay i liked you a little bit because you sounded yummy, but no you were still #2 guy in my books and well I thought nothing much would happen because you remind our heroine of her FATHER!!!! but no you went and let her drink from you... and although you said it was only 'three pulls' pffft i think she went longer and now are bonded or something (they mention this for a brief moment) -- This is only speculation in my brain. Then you had to turn all I love you and no one else and set off the fireworks in Dru (which aparently did not happen with Graves.... GRRRR)

and now onto Graves.... the guy she should be with!! I dont think I need to go into detail about how amazing and... awesome Graves is. And now he's been kidnapped.

I feel sorry for Dru because hey at the moment Im loving both guys as well and I would like it if she could split herself into two and be with both of them!!

Now that my frustration is vented I need to go finish reading 'That Eye, The Sky' for class today >_<