A review by shaysshelf
Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
DNF @ 50% 
Okay - this one wasn’t entirely the book/authors fault. When I requested the ALC I didn’t realize it was a Christian romance. Which honestly, doesn’t typically bother me (I’m Catholic myself), but this was a little heavy handed on the churchiness for me. 
Early on I was having a hard time developing interest in the story. It felt like literally every other Hallmark Movie about a new owner of a run down B&B needing to fix it up and not having the time or money to do it and having to work with the other MC who needs a place to stay. EXCEPT with this one he makes her continue to drive through the fog even though she has said several times she’s uncomfortable with it, and she refuses to ask to stay at the B&B because she is attracted to him and staying in the same B&B (but in different rooms) breaks propriety. *rolls eyes* 
But again, I decided to push through. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when the two MCs both used the word “concur” in a conversation within a minute of one another - ie. “I hope they concur.” NO ONE SPEAKS LIKE THIS. 
The narrator was great considering the content she had to work with, and honestly she’s probably the main reason I stuck it out to 50% before DNFing.