A review by angels_gp17
Brash by Laura Wright


~ 5 Brash Stars ~

ARC Brash

Brash is book three in The Cavanaugh Brothers series by Laura Wright. Yep, I fell in love with the Cavanuagh’s from the first book [b:Branded|18812351|Branded (The Cavanaugh Brothers, #1)|Laura Wright|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1385436307s/18812351.jpg|19242906]. Each of these sexy brother's have captured a piece of my heart. Brash is a heartfelt and romantic tail.

From the moment I opened Brash I was pulled right back into this spectacular world. I enjoy Ms. Wright’s writing style. She has a away of describing people, places, and more with such ease that I can picture every detail. My favorite parts have and will always be the diary entries. They are so well done and perfectly placed in the story.

Cole our tattooed badass cowboy fighter wants no part in falling for a women let alone Grace the ex-sheriffs daughter. Grace is all about stable now and no more bad boys. She has been hurt to much in her past by the love'n and leaven types. The couples always have a way of complementing each other, they see what others do not and they know how to sneak into each others defensives. I loved getting into their heads, understand what they feel, what happens, what made them who they are, how they feel about their past and the hear and now.

We also get deeper into finding out what really happened to Cass and who the mysterious Sweet’s is. Fantastic job setting up for Blue's story. Ah! I want [b:Bonded|23355313|Bonded (The Cavanaugh Brothers, #4)|Laura Wright|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1423979207s/23355313.jpg|42912082] now, especially after that ending. Holy Shit!

These stories have wormed their way into my heart. If you enjoy reading about sexy cowboys, a little mystery, and women who know how to sneak their way into a guys heart and break down their defenses, then these books are for you.

Disclaimer: ARC provided by PENGUIN GROUP Berkley, NAL / Signet Romance, DAW via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
