A review by shelbyday
Say Yes to the Duke by Eloisa James


Eloisa James remains one of my automatic buys as soon as each new book comes out. This story was sweet, but I felt that there were several instances of odd transitions in the book. Maybe it’s the former English teacher in me, but I found these distracting. As an editor, I would have tightened two or three things up. But I’m not an editor, so there ya go. The writing was otherwise fabulous and I enjoyed the story and characters very much. See below for an example of a transition that irked me....
When Devin was carrying her to his bedroom, he brings up the fact that his dad and friends would walk over and use a chamber pot while still conversing. I feel that really messed up the scene. His explanation of the collection was fine and funny, but talking about one thing one second and moving on to your dad’s pissing habits on the next was a bit odd in my opinion. Especially considering he was taking her to his bed on their wedding night. It didn’t work for me.