A review by maplessence
Demelza by Winston Graham


This is my first completed book of 2022, & it could well be my best fiction read of the year -I loved it that much!

This book continues Ross & Demelza's journey, & while I don't think the beginning was a strong as [b:Ross Poldark|25365667|Ross Poldark (Poldark #1)|Winston Graham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1429123693l/25365667._SX50_.jpg|364846], from around the 40% mark it becomes a very powerful book. While Ross is a very complex character, Demelza is simple in the best possible meaning of the word - when something feels right to her that is what she does - then, thinks about the consequences later.

But all the characters, whatever their way of life, are well realised & easy for me to remember.

Graham writes beautifully;

He was not a man who spoke his innermost feelings easily, but now he saw himself powerless to help her, and only words of his and not actions would give her aid. 'Nothing else matters but you,' he said. 'Remember that. All my relatives and friends - and Elizabeth, and this house and the mine... I'd throw them in the dust and you know it - you know it. If you don't know it, then all these months I've failed and no words I can give you now will make it otherwise. I love you, Demelza and we've had such happiness. And we're going to have it again. Take hold of that, my sweet. Hold it and keep it, for no one else can.'

Of course this being Ross, there are hidden layers...

I won't be able to wait too long to continue this saga. &, in a piece of rare good fortune, I went to an op (charity) shop looking for the next two books ([b:Jeremy Poldark|25365698|Jeremy Poldark (Poldark, #3)|Winston Graham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1475242254l/25365698._SY75_.jpg|2683128] & [b:Warleggan|1396760|Warleggan (Poldark, #4)|Winston Graham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1391952762l/1396760._SY75_.jpg|1909682]) - & there they were.

Should have bought a Lotto ticket!
