A review by bookdevouringmisfit
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta


Updated 12/25/14

So, one and a half year later and I still love it. Usually, time diminishes my love for a certain book that I get scared to reread it for I might not feel the same way about it anymore. But it's not the case here with Saving Francesca. Nor would it be the case with any Melina Marchetta book, I'm sure. I still love it. SO. MUCH. And I think no matter how many times I read this again in the future, I still would.

Original review

“I just want it to go back to the way it was."
"It'll never go back to the way it was, Frankie. But you have to make sure it goes forward.”

Two days after I read the book, my thoughts for it are still a flat-out jumble. My mind is still out of its coherence as I still haven’t moved on from the impact Saving Francesca has given me. To make my review simple, I’ll just say that I love this book. I savor it. I devour it. This definitely earns a spot on my all-time favorite books shelf.

Absolutely a must-read and highly recommended!