A review by papierundtinte
Batman Und Wonder Woman: Der Ritter Und Die Prinzessin by Liam Sharp


'It was okay' sums it up perfectly in my opinion.
It very much feels like Batman and Wonder Woman were slapped onto this to...well, to get people to read it. They are merely bystanders, observing the unfolding plot and are basically only there to move from place to place in order to get the next piece of information and exposition for the reader. There are about two or three times where Diana and Bruce actually do something that has an impact on what's happening.
The focus and star of the comic is definitely the mystical world of Tir Na Nog, lots of Celtic mythology and what has happened there. It woulf make for a decent story if there weren't a couple of problems. First, this is not what I expected from a 'The Brave and the Bold' comic. Second, this is not what I want from a 'TBatB' comic. I don't want to read a superhero comic where the superheroes are demoted to mere footnotes of the story. If I wanted a story inspired by Celtic mythology, this would probably get a far better rating (although the story is far from being executed flawlessly).
The pacing was atrocious. Everything moved at a snail's pace for more than three quarters of the book until the sudden climax both started and ended before you really noticed it. All of the dialogue is exposition for the last twenty or so pages. The action is laughably short and more hinted at than really shown on page.
Diana had the patience of a saint in this one and did not...really feel in character. I don't know, she did not have enough to do to actually feel developed but somehow, she just felt a bit off.
Also, no matter how minor his role, I just cannot take a character seriously as soon as his name is revealed to be McCool. Just saying.
The comic's saving grace is its art style which is absolutely gorgeous. I'd really love to recommend it for the art alone but only as long as you know and can deal with this being a pretty bad Batman and Wonder Woman story.