A review by aprilbooksandwine
Blackwood by Gwenda Bond


Being a complete and total history nerd, I was that kid in class who would totally sit up straight and pay attention during the interesting things like The Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, and yes, the whole Roanoke mystery. Which okay, basically what happened is, these very early settlers were chilling out on Roanoke Island and were kind of isolated, right? So, this guy John White leaves the island to go hang out in England for a little bit. Then three years later he comes back and EVERYONE DISAPPEARS! All he can find is a tree with Croatoan carved into it. Blackwood by debut author Gwenda Bond takes on that part of history, but puts it in a modern day setting, like the whole book takes place in modern day Roanoke and y’all, all I can say is I am freakin’ pumped a YA author has FINALLY taken on the Roanoke mystery, that noise is FASCINATING.
Read the rest of my review here link goes live 11/2/12