A review by wellington299
The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why by Richard Nisbett


As someone who lives in the between the words of Western and Asian thought, I had to get my hands on this book. This book had some wonderful material but could have used some just never had that WOW moment where something just clicked. It's really a shame because this topic is really just up my alley.

The difference can be summarized as follows: Eastern thought tends to be more holistic, cyclical, and relationship-oriented. While Western thought tends to be more modular, linear, and object-oriented.

The book (unintentionally?) aims for a higher-brow audience who would appreciate a more PhD vocabulary and writing style. I found it off-putting. Though I don't think the authors intentionally wrote it that way, it's just the way they think. Perhaps, they should write a book on PhD thought process vs. common thought process.