A review by pinknantucket
The 78-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths


OK so I went to the launch of this book in Melbourne and let me tell you I have NEVER heard such a noise from a crowd, not even at a music gig at Rod Laver arena, these guys are like GODS to the under-10 crowd. (Also, never underestimate the power of a pantomine-style "behind you!!" scenario). Everyone received a (signed) copy of the book on entry and there were so many kids with their nose in it right away. I read my copy a bit later (it is only temporarily my copy, as it is designated for a friend's daughter) and it really was lovely. There is a cow on every page! EVERY PAGE! (NB the cows have a hidden agenda, don't trust them). The blend of writing and drawing in this series is really wonderful.

It's hard to pick favourite parts of such a wonderful construction but Andy's high-security potato chip storage facility is definitely one. And the scribbletorium.

My copy: I believe I mentioned it was included as part of the ticket purchase. And my sister bought my ticket.