A review by zare_i
The Ruby Throne by Julien Blondel


This book seems more to be a scenography book for movie production than comic book adaptation of Moorcock's Elric.

First - this is rather dark and graphic book. I am not puritan but this might not be to everyone's taste.

Entire feel is so grandiose, so epic it is unbelievable. From sea battles and huge warships to minutiae of court life in Immryr, details are absolutely amazing.

Character of Elric is fully captured - although he has moral qualms about his people's behavior, he is after all a Melnibonean and not just that - he is a nobleman. He is not above venting on human slaves or using daemon powers and slaying people around him to achieve his goals.

Excellent book. I am great fan of graphic novels and this one is so beautiful ..... just do yourself a favor and read it. Last time I was this taken by drawing was after reading Blacksad.