A review by catmom21
Qualify by Vera Nazarian


3.5 stars.

First, the writing seems very juvenile. Not that it's written for a younger audience, which it is and I can recognize - the writing just reads like the author wrote this in high school and it hasn't been polished. It annoyed me at first but once I got into the story it was easier to overlook.

This book is similar to the other post-apocalyptic series that have been so popular - Hunger games, Divergent, etc. This one is interesting because it involves space and aliens. Or rather, ancient humans that are now aliens from Atlantis. The bare bones for a great series are there - it's different and interesting and there's potential for great world building with the Atlanteans. Unfortunately the author spends a lot of time in this LONG book focusing on Gwen's teenage feelings. (Also, the word "teen" was very overused. Nobody who is a teen actually calls themselves a teen. But I digress). I though there were elements that should have been explored more in depth - like their culture and tech classes - and other things were a drag - like how much Gwen was SO AMAZED that Logan would even look at her. I get it, it's a young adult book, but at the same time there was a lot of potential that got wasted to focus on that aspect.

Additionally it's got a weird tone. It is about qualifying or dying, and people do actually die. But unlike in the Hunger Games, I just didn't feel the seriousness of their situation. It was a lot of telling rather than showing. Plus, the time spent on love interests made it seem more lighthearted than perhaps was intended.

Overall I got very engrossed in the story (which, honestly, isn't hard for me to do) and I will absolutely read the second one. It's not on my list of greatest-of-all-time series, but it's an interesting world at least, even if the plot has major holes, and I'm looking forward to the next one.