A review by readingmajor
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic


TW: non con kissing, vivid descriptions of parental abuse, use of the f slur, use of the r slur, problematic discussions of mental health/forced medication, bullying

If anyone ever wanted a book made entirely of Ronan Lynch and Joseph Kavinsky boy do I have the book for you.

Does anything about this book make sense? Absolutely not. Did I love it anyways? 100% this book is definitely not for everyone, and I would recommend approaching with caution. For me, it got away with more of its problematic elements because of how utterly ridiculous most of the situations are. There’s a review on here that talks about how none of this would happen in real life, and that is exactly my point. Psychiatric meds simply do not work the way they do for Andrew. As someone who takes a WHOLE LOT of anti depressants, I found alot of the conversations around medication problematic, but because it functions in such a dramatic, unrealistic way in the book I was able to move past it. However, please take care of yourself and if this is something you are sensitive to, maybe this book isn’t the one for you.

Personally my experience reading this book was very similar to the many Sports AU merlin fanfics I’ve read in my day (don’t come for me). This book is holding on with just some vibes and a bunch of angry, traumatized teenagers, which makes it my perfect cup of tea. I’m excited to see what ridiculous directions this series takes next.