A review by shubba_the_emo_reader
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick


4.5 Stars

I am going to start with this books cover. It is so beautiful and really eye catching. I love the silver/bluish tone to this cover and with feather its very subtle but speaks volumes.

I had been anticipating Crescendo since last year when I finished Hush, Hush. So when my best friend (the postman lol) finally delivered to my copy I was so excited. When I started reading I did find it a little hard to get into. I had to re-read some parts because I forgot what happened the page before.However, within about 4 chapters I was loving. Crescendo was everything I imagined it to be and so much. It is full of turns and twists that I honestly didn't see coming.

The characters we grow to know and love in Hush, Hush are all back. We also get to see a couple of new characters. Nora and Patch relationship is rocky all through the book which really kept me on my toes as to what was going to happened next. Vee is also more involved in this book and I found myself starting to like her as I didn't really like her in Hush, Hush. Scott who was a childhood friend of Nora plays a big part and I found myself getting drawn deeper into the story when he appeared. Rixon who is the first book, returns in this one with a bigger role. And we get to read more about the Irish Man. In my head I could his Irish accent I made up. lol.

Crescendo, really has outdone Hush, Hush. It has answered so many questions left unanswered in Hush, Hush, mainly about Nora's Dad. It leave you hanging and begging and screaming for Tempest to be out so we can find out what happens next with Nora and Patch.

Becca has produced yet another amazing gothic tale. It is thrilling, captivating and takes on an emotional rollcoaster. LOVED IT.

Recommended to those you love a gothic tale full of twist and turns.