A review by nannahnannah
Cleverman #1 by Ryan Griffen, Emily K. Smith, Wolfgang Bylsma


I waited about 3 months to get this in the mail! I was so excited to learn more about the Cleverman world and the Aboriginal mythology behind it.

But it let me down in that I need more of it! I get it's just one issue, but I just need more! I'm so sad. I'll probably have to wait for an entire volume (and there will be an entire volume eventually, right? It won't be cancelled like the show?) to order it for the sake of the cost and the waiting.

The comic starts before the show starts, and is a kind of behind-the-scenes add-on to the show, like a "this is what you missed while you were paying attention to Koen, the Cleverman". Here we follow a Hairy named Yulu who fights in a pit for an extra couple bucks. She's also Maliyan's sister. Remember him? The Hairy from the first season who was "made out to be a villain" by Waruu (and who ultimately paid the price for that). We see a different side of him here! I'll have to rewatch the show because of this ... thanks Cleverman comics ... for making me sad.

We also see glimpses of Jarli, the Bindawu who played a huge role in season two, and who would have definitely been important to season three ... if we got one. Who knew he was starting his own little revolution way back before season one?

The pace is pretty rushed, because it covers a pretty large span, from before the show to nearly the end of the first season!! All in one issue. But it could also have been because I just ate it up so hungrily. I've been dying for new content. The art is overall fairly nice, although sometimes a bit sloppy, and I wish it was as nice as the cover art. I'm hoping over the next issues the illustrator finds their groove.

But overall? I just want more.