A review by willdrown
Greedy Pigs by Matt Wallace


There's fantasy and then there's wish fulfilment. And then there's casting Obama as a friendly dude who helps our heroes just because he's the only good guy to ever run the United States and all other politicians are literal skin suits for naughty gremlins. There's "on the nose" and then there's "burying a hatchet so deep in your skull that the point isn't hammered into it but rather spills out onto the concrete". Wallace, not a single person left reading the series on the fifth instalment is going to be a Trump fan or not a liberal. You're preaching to the choir and ruining a good thing.
This wouldn't be too big of an issue but the plot in this part is paper-thin, characters are grossly underused, scattered all over the place. It's crystal clear where we're heading and the endgame is exciting, sure, but could we not get there without the weird pit-stops and awkward exposition? Thankfully, the imagination's still there and the writing is quippy and light. But I do hope we get fewer reminders about the state of the world next time. There are more interesting things going on in the world of Sin Du Jour and wasting pages on a political clown is puzzling and disappointing. Know better, do better.