A review by becsa
Fighting For You by Gianna Gabriela


Jesse Falcon is a pre-med student and a football player who is trying to heal his past loss through learning more medically and becoming a great doctor.

Zoe Evans has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and no longer knows how much fight she has left in her after cancer has taken away so much from her.

When Jesse and Zoe meet at the hospital the two become friends and soon Zoe is ready to move forward with things she has missed.

Can Zoe move forward with her own life or will she always been seen as the "girl with cancer"? Will Jesse's own heart be able to move on from the past or will he push Zoe away when she gets too close?

This was such an incredible book filled with lots of emotions that leave you in different states of emotion throughout the book.

I thought Jesse was a great character and I was impressed at his goals and aspirations due to the loss of Hayley. He was working hard at preserving her memory through his schooling and he wanted to make sure no one else went through what he and her family did.

Zoe was an absolutely amazing character and had such an enormous fight ahead of her and I was so proud of her for continuing even when she was ready to give up. Zoe was able to recognize that she had to jump on every opportunity she was given and I was proud of her for deciding to go back to school.

I loved how the friendship between Jesse and Zoe began and how they truly helped each other through things. I was so upset for what Zoe overheard at the football party and how that impacted her and how others viewed her. I loved when Zoe said to Jesse that "being with me won't bring her back."

The event towards the end of the book freaked the daylights out of me!!! Huge panic on my account!

The end was awesome when Jesse realized everything and I loved the scene at Hailey's grave!

Awesome book!!