A review by alekstoikovich
Ember by Tess Williams


Actual Rating: 1.5 stars

So, I wasn't all that motivated to start this book, and at first I was really confused because we jumped backwards. But once I got knowledge of my new bookish surroundings, turns out the plot and characters aren't as great as I thought they would be.

I mean, can ANYTHING be more OBVIOUS?!

Seriously, hello?! That romance was so palpable and predictable, why didn't they just run to each other now and save the groans from us?!

And not only that, the plot was as thin as a dental floss, and just as flimsy and stupid, something that could have been better if the author was reminded not to write something to RAVAGE OUR BRAINS.

And when our lovebirds finally come together, of course the gal is all: W-what, me?! The hot, popular, arrogant, good-at-everything, seems-to-hate-me, all-powerful guy loves me?! B-but why?! Oh, how can I confess -


Sure, I can handle a little of mushy-mushy love and oblivious girls to obvious reasons. But Evelyn?!

She couldn't pour piss from a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.