A review by erikaq
The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune


Described as a mix of Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl and Marissa Meyer’s Renegades series, this book follows a gay teenager that writes fanfiction about his city’s real life superhero, Shadow Star whom he’s been crushing on for forever.

I’ll admit that while I was interested in the book and the premise, at times the main character, Nick really annoyed me (enough that I had to stop reading at times and pick up the book again later). But all of that is part of his character seeing as he has ADHD and that aspect of his meandering mind is portrayed really well.

At times he just makes stupid decisions and he’s naive and yet he is likable and someone that you root for. But this is a coming of age story and as the book progresses, Nick does grow and come into himself while retaining a lot of what makes him him.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I think it’s really well written and that it does an amazing and realistic portrayal of what it’s like to be a teenager with all the confusing parts that come with figuring out who you like and friendship and the relationship with parents and grief. This book is also a book about superheroes and about hidden identity and what being a hero is. Enjoyable. Easy to read. And written by a queer author. There's not much more you can ask for. Can't wait for book 2.