A review by ohistephreads
For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten



Does anyone else feel bamboozled into thinking this book had actual wolves in it? I went into this wholeheartedly believing that this book had werewolves or something wolfy in it. Red, the FMC called him "the wolf" so much, even after learning his name - The whole town does. Yet, even after they get married its "Lady Wolf" and "the Wolves" like....huh?? Let's just make this clear, although Eammon "The Wolf" has lived for many centuries we are meant to believe he is just a man, and he does NOT transform into a wolf or have any wolf tendencies.  Its just a curse that makes him this way? Okay, cool but then at the end he gets horns. HORNS!! LOL. It is so funny because I think I may be the only person who was expecting some werewolves shape-shifting action and is taking it as some sort of betrayal when you finish the book only to look dumb AF. 
Moving on, there was so much receptiveness going on in this book as well. Lots of use of words like "in her middle" when Red was channeling her magic and "twilight" whenever they looked up at the sky. I couldn't take the action scenes seriously half the time because I was too busy cringing at Red referencing to her magic's holding spot as "her middle". She said this EVERYTIME she was channeling. What I did like about the book. The romance scenes were cute, I love me a good slow burn. The found family part of the book, LOVE IT. Hell, even Neve and Red's relationship was wonderful. Although this book didn't start to get even remotely interesting until like 60% into the story - I did enjoy the pace. Everything that happens, happens in the span of months but it doesn't feel rushed at all. 
I am sure younger me would've eaten this up and rated it 5 stars but it was a solid 2.5 for me.