A review by rosetyper9
The Orchard by Jeffrey Stepakoff


Jeffrey Stepakoff somehow remains to be one of the most beautiful writers of love stories I have ever read. If you haven't read his first novel, you need to read it. Anyway, he has a way of drawing you into a characters emotions and showing you exactly what they are thinking and feeling. He pulls the want and need right out of you so that you cry when the characters cry and you hurt when the characters hurt. It really is a remarkable ability.

I love the premise, plot, and characters of this story. There is one thing that did not flow for me though...when Dylan somehow thinks his wife is alive...I mean he knows how she died and maybe I don't understand grief correctly but...that messed up the whole feel of the story for me, I wish there would have been a different obstacle for Grace and Dylan to overcome.

I love how Mr. Stepakoff finds something to give his character passion about and you get to learn right along about each passion as you read. I enjoyed learning about apples and scents as I read and I didn't even realize it until I was done with the book. I love Mr. Stepakoff's writing and will be a fan forever.