A review by inthelunaseas
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix


I'm very conflicted about this book.

I absolutely loved it in parts. There were definitely a few visceral scenes where I felt the horror (a rarity, to be fair!). The rats that were swarming, Slick's assault, Korey's assault. Even the ongoing frustration of Patricia not being believed and constantly fighting against the men in her life to be believed.

But at other points, the book really started to drag. The first few dozen pages were a bit dull and this came and went during the novel. Where [b:My Best Friend's Exorcism|41015038|My Best Friend's Exorcism|Grady Hendrix|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1533059241l/41015038._SY75_.jpg|46065002] seemed to snap right into the action and keep it going, Southern Book Club meandered on and on. Even the crux of the novel, the literal title- the slaying of a vampire- didn't happen until the last 30 pages.

Yet I continued to enjoy it. I'd give this book a rating closer to 3.5 than a plain 3. If some of the parts that dragged could be snipped and rearranged, I'd find it a lot punchier.