A review by eggegg
A Girl Named Digit by Annabel Monaghan


I love the show Quantico, so when I read the summary of this book, my mind was making so many connections. As a result of that, I had really high expectations for this book. Unfortunately, it did not live up to those.

First, I excepted amazing, insightful character names and backgrounds and instead got blah. I mean, seriously? Yes, I know I sound like a freakish snob talking about names, but the right name means everything to a character. Names will help you to envision what they look like, how they talk, and how they act based off of anyone (or character or celebrity) you happen to know with the same name.

Second, I expected a fast-paced, action-packed plot and got sappy romance in its place. There's many times when Farrah should be working busily on decoding when all she's doing is staring at John and having a fantasy about him kissing her. I'm not opposed to a little romance within a novel, but I feel that her little crush on John didn't contribute much to the plot and really clouded her mind. She's supposed to be a genius and yet acts like an idiot because she's daydreaming about John instead of paying attention.

Overall, it's a nice concept and what action parts were there were fun to read. I'd recommend this if you're a fan of shallow, sappy romances that distract from plots.