A review by per_fictionist
The Shape of Darkness by Laura Purcell


LAURA PURCELL DID IT AGAIN! The Shape of Darkness was my third Purcell and it was equally enjoyable as my first! I think we can all collectively admit that no contemporary author spins a Victorian gothic mystery like Purcell does with so much ease and grace.

The characters and her rich atmospheric writing pulls you in and the compelling plot makes you stay. It often baffles me how effortless it is to get absorbed in her books and THE SHAPE OF DARKNESS, is no exception.
It's Bath, 1854 where Agnes Darken, a professional silhouette maker lives with her weak and ailing mother trying hard to make her ends meet. On the other side of town, Pearl lives with her rather autocratic sister Myrtle with their father who is on his death-bed. Pearl has the inexplainable ability to communicate with spirits from the other world. After a murderer, strikes Bath where he mysteriously kills Agnes' customers one by one, Agnes soughts the guidance of 11 year old Pearl.

As intriguing as the synopsis sounds, Purcell delivers so much more. Exhilaration engulfs you with every twist and you find yourself transported to the Victorian Era and well I don't think anyone would ever complain that :D This I felt was more of a murder mystery than her other books and I enjoyed it to bits!