A review by shadowcat47
Dark Eden by Chris Beckett


I don't like leaving negative reviews but let me qualify by saying I did not finish this book. I COULD not finish this book. I was persuaded to read it by the intriguing premise and the good reviews. The writing style is different to most things I have read and the world-building initially grabbed my attention. However, I quickly lost any interest in the plot and I could not engage with the characters for the life of me (one of my main issues with it). I read a lot of sci-fi and can see why this is included in this genre. I can also see why it won awards, being a bit different from your run of the mill sci-fi stories. But this is not my type of sci-fi. I have read books with very similar plots, which I felt were so much better. I felt I knew what was coming too soon into the book and wasn't that bothered about finding out if I was right. Maybe it gets better further into the book but I am done with it.