A review by adriannaschuh
Balkan Magic by Emigh Cannaday


This book has me so conflicted! it definitely sucked me in with the fact that it’s a dark, paranormal romance. Like umm yes please! The world building is really amazing. There are so many different characters, so many different fantasy elements. I mean the story has wood nymphs, elves, vampires, fairies, pixies, druids, wolves, humans. Basically everything you could want. I loved that. The story itself is about Annika, a human who finds herself trapped in a different world with all of the magical creatures she never believed existed. Of course there’s love, lust, intrigue, drama, a prophecy, and a dangerous journey in the mix. So what’s my issue exactly?

The book needs a lesson in pacing I think. It was so slow to start, picked up, slowed down, and picked up again. Add to that the fact that it’s descriptive heavy and I had a tough time getting through some chapters. I adored Talvi! But I wasn’t a big fan of how the book portrayed his character. One minute Annika loved him , the next someone was telling her how awful he was. I enjoyed his character more than hers and that annoyed me a bit. Now for some things I did like!

I really loved the language used in the book and the way all the fantasy creatures spoke. It was very old timey, melodic, soft, and intelligent. Even the scenes with sex were written this way and I think it made them so powerful. I loved the story line of a prophecy unfolding, it added a much needed mystery to things. And I really loved the perspective of all the fantasy creatures when it came to how humans lived. The book definitely has some issues, but overall it’s definitely worth a try. Let me know what you think if you do decide to pick it up!