A review by debtat2
The Little Snake by A.L. Kennedy


In only 144 pages this book manages to encompass a plethora of emotions from love, loss, family and friendships found in the most unlikely of places. A little book with a massive heart!

A dark fable for adults and children alike it is a magical read that will touch your heart and retain a special place inside.

The book blurb is pretty extensive covering the story’s plot so I won’t go into that any further and let you read and discover it for yourselves. I went into this book with no prior knowledge of the author and read no reviews and I personally think discovering it for myself enhanced my enjoyment of this little gem of a book.

So a small review for a small little book but a book that I would highly recommend and one that can be read time and time again without loosing any of its magic.

Many thanks to the author A.L. Kennedy, publishers Canongate Books and NetGalley for my copy in exchange for an honest, independent review.
