A review by b00ksforever
Skywriting by Word of Mouth by John Lennon


Wow…what a journey this one is. I picked this up at a thrift store the other day and had no idea the adventure it would take me on. For most people, this would probably be a DNF…it’s full of wild stories with ZERO plot. But, his wit and creativity are unmatched, and these stories give us a small glimpse inside the mind of a genius. The opening biographical chapter, “The Ballad of John and Yoko” is a reflection on his years with The Beatles, Yoko, and the aftermath of Beatlemania. That chapter alone is enough to give this a 4 star rating. He ends the chapter with these words of wisdom:

“All roads lead to Rome. I opened a shop; the public bought the goods at fair market value. No big deal. And as for show biz, it was never my life. I often wish, knowing it’s futile, that Yoko and I weren’t famous and we could have a really private life. But it’s spilt milk, or rather blood, and I try not to have regrets and don’t intend to waste energy and time in an effort to become anonymous. That’s as dumb as becoming famous in the first place.”

Truly a treat to escape into these crazy pages during a stressful semester. What a legend.