A review by ashcomb
The Apocalypse Seven by Gene Doucette


I got a recommendation for this when I asked for an apocalypse book. I was told the book hooked them instantly and that it was getting better by more they read. I have to agree. This was a highly entertaining book to read in terms of plot, characters, and writing. The book follows a group of survivors of an apocalypse. They have no idea what has happened to other humans in a world riddled with monstrous wildlife. There is no electricity, no bodies of those who have died. It is like the whole world is rebooted. Or so it feels for Touré, Carol, and Robbie, who suddenly wake up to an apocalypse. Touré even thinks he has been put inside a computer game. As the book progresses, following their survival, more characters are introduced, and the narration shifts perspective between all the characters, letting the reader see what they think about their situation and how they handle all the oddity going on. At first, the shift felt forced, but then it helped to piece together how the world had changed.

What fueled my curiosity was the mystery behind the apocalypse and the monsters lurking in the shadows. But, as with every mystery book, the ending has to deliver. And I think this one did. It wasn't exactly what I wanted from the ending, but I liked how it turned the book to have some philosophical meaning. I can't say too much, as it would ruin the reading experience, but I can say it will make a nerd in you smile.

I also liked the characters. They felt organic and not too stereotypical, even when they were stereotypical up to a point. Every apocalypse book has to have an Amazon warrior, a nerd, a kid with tricks up their sleeve, a scientist, a preacher, a dreamer, and one with heart.

I liked this one a lot. It was light-hearted, entertaining, and well-written.

Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful day <3