A review by songwind
Akira, Vol. 4 by Katsuhiro Otomo


(I read Akira in one huge go over a weekend, so I will be cutting and pasting this review for all 6 volumes)

Akira is an epic work of science fiction sequential art. The storyline is complex and consistent. There is social commentary, ethical musing, and morality woven through an action packed storyline of science gone wrong. The "romance" portion of the story is believable as well. The two characters are drawn to one another over time, and the world doesn't stop for them to wallow in their newfound twitterpatedness.

The art is beautiful, especially the detailed cityscapes and technical drawings. The main characters were easy to recognize, regardless of their circumstances or outfits, which is not true of many manga.

My complaints about the work are small. The placement of speech bubbles, particularly when characters are shouting, was not always clear. The foreign characters were really just Japanese with funny hats on. The difference between Akira and Tetsuo at the height of their powers is never really explained.

I first became aware of the manga because I was a fan of the anime. The manga is far more complex and satisfying.