A review by srivisub
Caught Dead in Philadelphia by Gillian Roberts


I really wanted to like this book! It started off very well and it definitely had some funny moments. However, for the most of it, the book dragged! Despite being a really short one, it dragged. There was nothing happening and that annoyed me most of all! I like my detective stories with some kind of action - it could be either physical or mental, but this one disappointed me on all counts! There was no brilliant deduction and neither was there any physical search for evidence - it was all one big bumbling and stumbling, literally!! The end disappointed me completely! Firstly the detective stumbles upon the murderer and then - well forget it, I don't even want to talk about that end.. totally disappointing and without any meaning!

As for the characters, well I really want to say that I liked Amanda Pepper but honestly I can't! Oh yes she had some brilliant moments with her wit etc but for most part, she was one whiny character who did not know what to do or how to react! I hate the damsel in distress routine and she seemed to have it done to perfection! As for C.K. Mackensie, he was an idiot! Firstly, I don't know what is the big deal about the mysterious first name and why it should even be part of a murder plot! I understand its a cozy mystery but still there are some things best left until later! As for the chemistry between Amanda and Mackensie, it felt so forced and out of place that I was literally gagging throughout the whole thing! It had no place in the story, other than to add some frivolous element to the tale.

All I can say is that the plot could have been dealt with in a better manner, for as a plot it was good. However, it wasn't and the end result was a mess, something that can be avoided! It's part of a series but I don't think I am going to continue this one!