A review by caitybell
Iced by Karen Marie Moning


True rating: 3.5 stars

I am so conflicted.

On one hand, I desperately wanted to love this book. I wanted to enjoy reading from a new POV. I wanted to get to know Dani. I wanted to love Ryoden as much as I loved Barrons.

On the other hand, there’s some really weird stuff going on here that I just don’t know how to like.

Let’s just say from the gitgo, Dani is 14. It is not okay for any MAN to be lusting after her. Ryoden’s attention I could live with. He has a bit more...decorum when it comes to his obvious...attraction—see I can’t even write this without cringing—for Dani. Christian, however, has his character completely butchered in this book by turning him into some creep pedophile, woman killer. I don’t understand what Moning was thinking or what she was planing on doing...

Most of the characters in this book acted so out of character based off the past books that I was utterly frustrated at some times to the point of growling at the book. Ryoden makes no sense in this book. Christian is a creep. Dani is beyond annoying, and yeah again she’s 14, but after about the sixth stupid decision the girl makes I could barely stand it anymore.

The plot...well there was sort of one...I think. I believe it’s leading up to a bigger plot in the next couple books? Probably. Hopefully.

Jo is the absolute worst character ever.

I’m realizing that all of the issues in this book could have easily been solved if Dani was stuck in a Silver for 5 years or something. I realize THATS the book I wanted to love so much, an older more mature Dani. Obviously, that’s what ends up happening in the future, but it should have been done before this book.

Either way, I liked the last 100 or so pages. So at least it ended on a good note with me.